bits | willwatkinson

Accomplishing something by doing nothing

Written by Will Watkinson | Aug 24, 2018 9:01:06 AM

It is easy to fill our time. Between social media, news feeds, and video streaming we can always find something to consume. Afterwards, though, it is usually hard to remember something in that endless stream that mattered to me and another day has disappeared.

Sometimes days like this are important. They can provide context for our lives and to give us a break from making impactful decisions, but frequently I have days like this because I am so unused to doing nothing. Whenever action ceases, whether it is a lul in a conversation, or the completion of an activity with no plans following it my phone is out and I am seeking something to consume.

The times, though, where I do not submit to this habit (whether consciously, or because I have dried up the stream of engaging content), where I allow inactivity to persist and even morph into boredom, are when I end up undertaking activities that result in feeling accomplishment.

I am not talking about anything grand. They are frequently just simple activities like taking out the trash, responding to a dusty email, or writing a blog post, but compared to watching another episode, or scrolling through tech news they usually have more of an impact on my life.