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"I do not know."

Four very common words that somehow seem so hard to put in that sequence. Maybe it is because school teaches us to be embarrassed and fearful of not knowing. Maybe having smartphones makes us think we should know everything we can discover on them. Maybe it is an attempt to reject the uncertainty of life. Regardless it is dangerous.

Words are either our most powerful tool, or they are useless. They enable us to conceive of something different than the status quo. Holding ourselves accountable to the words of that conception enables us to make it a reality.

Debasing words by not doing our utmost to make them true undercuts the accountability and therefore our ability to create something different.

This is not a recommendation that you disregard the reality when you end up in a situation where you cannot make your words true, but when that happens take responsibility. If you become comfortable reneging you lose your power to enact change.