bits | willwatkinson

Rehabilitation of Flip-flopping

Written by Will Watkinson | Feb 4, 2018 12:00:00 PM

Flip-flopping has a negative connotation, but I would prefer a flip-flopper in politics and corporations than someone stubborn who does not agree with me, or cannot convince me to agree with them.

There is nothing wrong with changing your mind as new information comes to light. Not adapting based on new, relevant information is far scarier.

Politicians are meant to represent the people and corporations are meant to give people what they want. If these people and institutions are not leading by convincing their constituents and customers to see things their way then they need to flip-flop as opinions change to do their jobs.

Representative democracy and capitalism rely on flip-flopping to function. The ideal is always foresight and leadership, but the most important thing is responding to change. Being able to flip-flop, to change your mind on an issue, is necessary to make the best decisions.