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Spray and pray

The goal is to perpetuate life. What can be done to achieve that goal in a world where the same actions can lead to different results? If you play first person shooter video games the title should have already hinted at the answer. Spray and pray refers to a “tactic” where you hold down the “trigger” (mouse 1) and hope you hit your target(s). This is contrasted with carefully aiming and only shooting when you have a target lined up.

What I mean by spray and pray in this context, though, is a bit broader. In this example it would also include carefully aiming. Try it all. If something has worked it’s a good place to start (induction has done a lot for us), but if it doesn’t work that time don’t be stubborn. Try something else. Desire and meaning are temporal for a reason.

Diversity and generosity are paramount in an inconsistent setting. As the world shifts the more approaches there are the more likely it is that one succeeds. When you are succeeding bolster beings with different approaches that are not doing as well. Your success might slow or end and then one of those beings’ approach might start succeeding and bolster you materially, or by demonstrating a method that works. At a minimum there are more chances of perpetuating life.