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Desire motivates

It is not possible to be reasonably. The Ancient Greek philosophers passed down the idea that reason is the highest faculty, sitting over more base human capacities like emotion. While this is romantic and appealing (at least in my experience) it is not true.

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Control is an illusion - consciousness is empowerment

There are too many unknowns to control the future, but that does not mean we do not play a role in creating it. Anyone involved in a situation impacts it.

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If it happened before. It may, or may not happen again

How many times have you heard, or used the excuse: “I did it before and this never happened”? This argument relies on induction, taking specific experiences and extrapolating them into a general laws. It is at the core of how we learn and make decisions, but sometimes it fails.

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Creating Community

Community starts with one person caring about another person and grows from there. Proximity helps, common interests, values and fears help. They help people understand why the community exists and makes them comfortable trusting it, but they are not necessary. All that is necessary is the care.

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