Rejecting other's influence, rejecting context, has become a core method of self discovery. This is nonsensical. We never exist outside of context. Without it there is nothing to interact with, nothing to do, nothing to learn, nothing to discover.
Rejecting other's influence, rejecting context, has become a core method of self discovery. This is nonsensical. We never exist outside of context. Without it there is nothing to interact with, nothing to do, nothing to learn, nothing to discover.
In our minds, where we can create and bend rules we are all creative geniuses.
The conclusions that are the most true are the ones you arrive at from multiple starting points.
Potential does not exist and it leads us to forget other rules of existence that still apply. Many people now live in a world where we have so much choice that it is paralyzing. Taking a step to do anything always seems to come at the cost of abandoning another possibility.
There is nothing inherently wrong with a solution that can be implemented quickly. The danger here is in not taking the time to fully understand the problem before trying to solve it.
Specialization has increased efficiency and been a solution for growing complexity by limiting breadth to enable depth. Specialists are, however, vulnerable due to the exponential rate of change. When a specialists area of expertise becomes obsolete her utility can as well.
Hotelling’s Model of Spatial Competition shows that in a linear world two businesses of the same type will locate next to one another. This way each business will be closest to and therefore, get business from 50% of the customers.
Memory is imperfect and our brains are agile, enabling us to alter motives in hindsight. It is easy to end up so far down a rabbit hole of our own making that we have a grandiose self image and no idea who, or why we are.
Children ask this question ad infinitum and it can be annoying, but why? Because we hit a point where we do not know the answer and it is disempowering?
Four very common words that somehow seem so hard to put in that sequence. Maybe it is because school teaches us to be embarrassed and fearful of not knowing. Maybe having smartphones makes us think we should know everything we can discover on them. Maybe it is an attempt to reject the uncertainty of life. Regardless it is dangerous.
With so many stimuli it is easy to get distracted and forget to pay attention to what our bodies are telling us. Do not fall prey to this. Our bodies are the reason we have access to the world, to these stimuli. If they are neglected our interactions will be neglectful.
Flip-flopping has a negative connotation, but I would prefer a flip-flopper in politics and corporations than someone stubborn who does not agree with me, or cannot convince me to agree with them.
There are two main schools of thought around how to handle economic volatility. Free market, where companies and individuals are responsible for saving during the good times, so they can survive the bad. Keynesian, where the government is responsible for using policy to mitigate economic swings.